Service Record is a Microsoft Windows application that keeps track of your hours spent in the field ministry, the number of magazines, books, brochures, subscriptions placed, and the number of return visits and studies held. Service Record has the ability to handle multiple users, print out totals, generate graphs, and much more! Service Record allows you to track records for any day from 1970 onward. All records are stored in a database allowing for easy reference to past months.
Service Record: Key Features
* Allows multiple users to keep track of their records in the same program.
* Multiple users can be open simultaneously.
* Users may Password Protect their data on an individual basis.
* Prints a Service Report slip with your totals for the month.
* Creates reports which show several months' worth of information at a single glance.
* Keeps track of your information from the year 1970 onward so you can easily check your past records.
* Stores your information in a database for high data integrity.
* Intuitive interface makes Service Record easy to use!
* Uninstall support (like you'd ever want to do this!)